Stranded – reson single solid core cable
Stranded – reson single solid core cable

Stranded – reson single solid core cable

In recent years, cables have become a growing problem because developments have gone in the wrong direction. Oversizing these cables by a hundred or a thousand times causes a loss of information. It can be shown that a reasonable increase in resistance does far less damage to the sound than the massive cables that are necessary to reduce the resistance.

  • distorted electromagnetic fields and strong mutual induction of the conductors
  • multiple current paths
  • spongy, inflated bass
  • hissing, overemphasized highs
  • blurred signal, because the individual conductors cut the electromagnetic field differently (time, location or intensity)

reson cables are the first commercial HiFi cables in which electromagnetic field effects determined the conductor size and format. The same principles that guided the development towards single solid core conductors of small cross-sections define the optimal format or shape as a flat cable with constant conductor spacing (true two-wire cable).

  • weak influence of electromagnetic induction, thanks to large distance and minimal diameter of the conductors
  • great sonic transparency and better focus
  • high resolution in level and time + clearer spatial representation of the sound image + better timing behavior (temporal accuracy)