LS ground return
LS ground return
LS ground return
LS ground return

LS ground return

A few decades ago, Japanese high-end enthusiasts reported that they had achieved significant sound improvements in their high-efficiency horn loudspeakers by grounding the loudspeaker (basket). While most people laughed at this, Tannoy - and now FYNE - were the first major manufacturers to take it seriously and incorporate it into their top models. At reson, we have consistently used this in reson rethm loudspeakers with our 3-pole speaker cable LRC and the amplifiers equipped for it (opus21 s30+s80 and cantata C50) from resolution.

The principle of the loudspeaker ground return can be seen in the adjacent illustrations. FYNE loudspeakers made in Scotland (F500SP..., F700..., F1... series) all have a ground connection. Our 3-pin LRC and LRK kryo cables are ideal for use as loudspeaker cables. Our MAC adapter helps with the connection to the amplifier.

The sound quality is noticeably improved:
- generally much better controlled
- more details
- more dynamics
- Voices clearer and more distinct

The reason for this sound improvement?
Diverting high frequency interference to the loudspeaker?
Or, as we believe, rather to dissipate the electrostatic charge on the (isolated) loudspeaker (basket) that has built up due to the loudspeaker movement?
Either way...
Thanks to empirical research!
To the delight of countless music lovers, we can all enjoy the better sound quality we have had for a long time. Now with the new 3-pin speaker cable LRK kryo with an even clearer sound improvement.
Enjoy listening!